Maundy Thursday
S: Galatians 6:14 “ But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”
O: On “Maundy Thursday”, we often focus on Communion or on service or foot washing or all of those themes. But there was MORE going on than just the acts presented in the Gospels. These were “examples” for us to consider for reshaping and reorienting our lives and lifestyles around the Kingdom Jesus brought to us! Throughout Lent, we’ve talked a lot about temptations, spiritual warfare, and what Jesus did about those! Maundy Thursday is one of those amazing gifts Jesus gave to us to help us and to bless us!
The word “Maundy” is an old English word that means “mandate” or “commandment” and it comes from John 13:34-35 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
So the “maundy” of “Maundy Thursday” is….LOVE! And we demonstrate the love of Jesus by serving and through humility. It’s a beautiful thing Jesus has commanded us to do!
But what often stops us from this beautiful and better “maundy”?
Well, there are many things that get in the way of God’s love being demonstrated in our life! Pride, selfishness, weakness, hatred, injustice, the evil one’s temptations, the fallen world, and on and on….
But how that manifests itself in us is unique to each one of us! What is an obstacle for you may not be for me, but I have my own! And in each instance, St. Paul reminds us of the solution Jesus demonstrated for us! The solution is….”crucifixion”. Now, he’s not talking about physical crucifixion! So please don’t go literal on me. But, he IS talking about recognizing the sin. Confessing it before God and to others (James 5:16) and resisting it in all it’s forms. So, there ARE tangible steps we can and are invited to take as we follow Jesus!
When Jesus said to the disciples: “Follow Me”, there was an exchange that took place. In order to receive the exchange they dropped their nets, or left their tax booth, or got up off their sick mat, or rose up from the tomb or left their water jug. In every encounter with Jesus that ended up in transformation, there was this decision to “let go and let God”. In short there was a surrender to Him. This is what Paul is talking about when he says “the world is crucified to me”. On that road to Damascus, Paul became blinded to the world and his eyes were fixated on Jesus. He surrenders ALL his plans, his hatred and jealousy, his zeal, his past, present and future. He surrendered ALL for something….better! Listen to how he describes this crucifixion:
“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” - Philippians 3:8
So in Paul’s mind, crucifying the world in him, wasn’t a “loss”, but a GAIN! It wasn’t “less” but MORE! And in every case, where lives have been transformed by Jesus, it’s always the same! MORE! More peace, joy, love, purpose, blessing, abundance, power and victory! This is the “power of the cross”! This is the “Good News” of forgiveness and grace! This is what God desires for ALL! But what keeps us from it? Simply, “the world”.
So as you think about “the world”, what things of this “world” have found a place in you? Is it in your thinking? Your spending? Your relationships? Your habits? Your attitudes? Your past? Your behaviors? If we’re honest, there probably are a lot of places the world still has “place” in us. So, the question then becomes….
A: How can I “crucify” those things in me?
P: Lord Jesus, thank You for overcoming the world! Please send Your Holy Spirit that I might walk and live and think and have my very being in the power of the Holy Spirit and the “mind of Christ”. Help me stand on Your grace and forgiveness and help me to walk in Your ways, victoriously over the world in me….so that the world outside of me may know, YOU are Lord of All! In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!
Pastor Tim
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