Sunday, March 8, 2020

“Alive In The Spirit”
S: 1 Peter 3:18 “For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit” 
O: Genesis records God’s instructions to Adam about one specific tree: 
“The day that you eat of it you will surely die” - Genesis 2:17
And God was right!  
When Adam and Eve CHOSE to disobey God’s warnings, not only were they rejecting God’s will, but they were ALSO rejecting ALL of God’s blessings, His provision for them and their relationship with Him.  It was WAY worse than they could imagine in the moment as Satan was tempting them with the beauty of the forbidden fruit!  And ever since, we’ve
suffered the consequences of their decision…and ours!  ALL sin has its origins in this deceptive and horrible choice.  And all our sins are repeats of this same deceptive and horrible choice!  It shows us that when mankind fell into sin and passed that sinful nature on to us….we too are bound, tied to it….can’t do anything BUT carry out our nature!  It’s like the color and texture of your hair that you received from your parents!  You can dye it, cut it differently, change the look….but in the end, “it IS what it IS”!
Think about everything that has ever been “wrong” in your life.  Think about all the bad outcomes and consequences that have negatively impacted your life because you have willfully made decision and actions that are contrary to God’s will.  Think about that for a moment.  Has you life been better on your own?  Has your life been more blessed apart from God or with Him?  Do your ways lead to “LIFE” or do your ways lead to “tolerable” at best and “death” at worst?  Look, if we’re honest, OUR ways may seem OK….tolerable….maybe even “good” by earthly standards.  But in the end….do they lead to life and life eternal?
Lent can be a powerful time when we remember the impact of the fall and sin on our life.  It can be a powerful time of taking stock and evaluating “how” we’re doing and “where” our relationship with God stands.  It’s a season of contemplation and asking ourselves honest and sometimes difficult questions!  And we need this!  Why?  Because like our first parents we’ve learned to deny our sins or blame them on others.  We’ve learned the art of “self-absolution” or as we often call it: “self-justification”.  And the devil wants us to think like this!  Because if I can blame someone else for MY decisions, then I believe that THEY can carry the consequences instead of ME having to!!!
And this is the devil’s way of twisting the truth!  Because Someone HAS carried the consequences of MY sinful decisions!  Back in the garden, God promised us He would send us a Savior who would “crush” the evil one.  And His crushing blow to the evil one would take place in a way that was unique.  As our verse for today reminds us, Jesus would take OUR place under God’s judgment!  He would “suffer” for sins. And He would “bring us God” AND that He would empower us to “put to death in the flesh”….ALL the works of our “old nature” AND He would make us “alive in the Spirit”!
A: Given what Jesus has done, what areas in your life might need to “die” and what do you need Jesus to make “alive”?

P:  Lord Jesus, thank You for taking on my punishment so that I could know life!  Help me to focus on the life you died to give me and help me walk in newness of life.  Especially Lord, the following areas are in need of change!  __________________ (list those areas you specifically need Jesus to forgive, help you change, rearrange in you, etc.). Thank You that on the cross you declared “It is finished”.  Help me believe that!  Help me trust in You above all that the evil one has lied about.  Help me walk in new life for Your glory and praise!  Thank You Jesus.  Amen.
Pastor Tim

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