Scripture: John 12: 3-8
3Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. 4But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (he who was about to betray him), said, 5"Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?" 6He said this, not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it. 7Jesus said, "Leave her alone, so that she may keep it for the day of my burial. 8For the poor you always have with you, but you do not always have me."
Two observations stand out to me as I read these verses again. The first is the description that because of Mary’s act “the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.” This was an act of love and devotion on the part of Mary to Jesus. Her actions affected multiple senses of those who were around her. Not only could they watch her devotion to Jesus, they could not help but smell it because of the fragrant ointment used. What do my acts toward Jesus fill the room with? Is it something pleasing that all around me cannot help but notice like Mary’s was? Or, unfortunately, is it noticeable for a different reaction. Perhaps worse yet, does my lack of devotion leave the room empty?
The second observation is the reminder that Jesus knows our heart and the purpose behind the actions we take. This is clear when He addressed Judas’ question about proper use of the money. The notes in my Bible state that the cost of the ointment was probably close to a year’s wages. Surely something more could have been done with this money to advance Jesus’ ministry as Judas states. However, Jesus knows the heart of both Mary and Judas. He knows Mary’s intentions are pure and honorable, while Judas’ are not.
First, how does my devotion to Jesus affect those around me? Do I leave a pleasing fragrance in the lives of those around me or is any impact felt at all? This is not a statement saying that we are saved by works, but an understanding that my reaction to Jesus (His love for me and what that means to my life) should leave a pleasing impact, fragrance, to those around me. I am reminded of Jesus’ words in John 13:35: “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” What can I do to demonstrate I am a follower of Jesus by sharing His love with those around me?
Second, how amazing that God knows us so intimately! This gives me a mixture of emotions including awe, fear, and hope. But I am comforted to know that Jesus knows me. He knows my thoughts and desires. He knows me beyond a surface level. This is comforting. He doesn’t just know of me, He takes the time to know me on a deep, personal level. Thankfully, despite knowing all this about me, He still calls me His child and loves me more deeply, more intimately, than I will ever be able to understand while on Earth.
Heavenly Father, thank you for knowing me intimately. As fearful as it can be to realize you know my intentions, my thoughts, and my desires, it is comforting that You know me at a level deeper than I understand myself. Despite this knowledge of my heart (because of the knowledge of my heart), you sent Jesus to die for me, to save me from my sins, and to bring me into a deep relationship with you. Because of this deep love, help me share this news with others; that you know them deeply and want them to know you in that way too. Help my actions affect those around me in many different ways, filling the room with your love just like the ointment used by Mary.
Jeff Wiese
Thank you Jeff for sharing your observations of this encounter with Jesus, Mary and Judas. I pray my intentions are pure like Mary's, that how I live gives glory to God.